Five ways to supercharge the good bugs in your gut

My previous 2 posts explored the role of gut bacteria in health and disease. We’ve established that good bacteria are involved in vitamins production, maintenance of proper hormonal balance and immune function. By contrast, “unhealthy” microorganisms may induce persistent low-grade inflammation in the gut and beyond. Such form of inflammation is a strong risk factor…


Can your gut bacteria make you sick and overweight?

Yes, they can! But how? Let’s start with the weight. Gut bacteria participate in the energy balance of the hosting human. Some species promote increased energy harvesting and fat storage, while others don’t. In other words, if your gut is dominated by such “hungry” bacteria, you might struggle to maintain or lose weight. Numerous studies…


You are only 10% human – the secret life within.

Did you know that you are only 10% human? Yes, that’s right! Each one of us is a composite of 10% human and 90% microbe. On a cellular level, the gut bacteria outnumber human cells 10 to 1, while bacterial genes exceed the human genes by 150 times! The bacterial community populating the gut (also…


The Caffeine Gene

Have you ever wondered why one person can guzzle strong coffee all day long without feeling a thing, while another feels anxious and jittery after a single cup of cappuccino at breakfast? Such a diverse response can be attributed to individual differences in metabolism of caffeine. Caffeine is metabolized (i.e. processed) in the liver by…


The amazing health benefits of a humble beet

For a long time beets have been considered a cheap, boring and rather unglamorous vegetable. However, over the last 5-6 years they are experiencing a true revival. You’ll be hard pushed not to find some form of beet dish on a brasserie or café menu. Nowadays beets are used in salads, spreads, soups, side dishes and…


Broccoli – the ultimate superfood!

Eat your broccoli! Chew well! Your parent probably told you this dozens of times. Truth being told, this is in fact sound nutritional advice and here is some science behind it. Broccoli is an ultimate superfood. It is a real treasure trove of beneficial nutrients: vitamins (e.g. A, C, K1), minerals (e.g. calcium, potassium, magnesium,…


Can pets can make our kids healthier and more socially apt?

As a mother and a proud owner of a pug (although the jury is still out on who owns whom), I am excited to see a growing body of research confirming extensive benefits of pet ownership for children. Kids form very special emotional bonds with their four-legged friends and this relationship can have a positive…


A quick and healthy low carb gluten-free bread substitute

The other day I was experimenting in the kitchen and came up with this easy bread substitute recipe that can be cooked in under 5 minutes. Unlike most breads, it’s high in protein and low in carbs: a winning combo for anyone who is mindful of their weight. It is dairy and gluten-free, contains a…


How to get off sugar and beat sugar cravings: Part 2

Taking up where I left off last week. For more strategies and tips on how to reduce sugar in your diet and overcome sugar cravings look here. Boost flavour. Vanilla, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices add subtle flavour and can help decrease sugar intake naturally. Increase dietary intake of zinc and magnesium Low levels of these…


How to get off sugar and beat sugar cravings

Getting off sugar is easier said than done. Given its addictive nature, no wonder most of us struggle. The good news is, that a plan and a little bit of self-discipline can take you a long way in beating pesky sugar cravings and eventually overcoming sugar addiction for good. So here is a simple and…
